Shopping for Baby

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Birth Stories - Are You Willing to Share Yours?

If you've been pregnant and haven't read Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth, you are missing out! Go to or your local library and start reading. During my last several months of pregnancy I vowed to not watch any television or movies that depicted labor and/or birth (because of the over-dramatization and de-sacredization - is that a word? - of the experience). Instead, I would read one or two of Ina May's birth stories each evening before falling to sleep. These short vignettes offer wonderful inspiration and insight into natural birth. Each story is different and unique, told from the perspective of mother and partner - yet also interestingly similar. Many of the emotions felt during and after natural labor are almost identical. Always, there is a profound sense of awe ... a sense of "I actually just did that!"

I only have one small complaint: accessibility for some readers. The stories all take place on "The Farm" (a commune where Ina May has lived and worked since the 1970's) in a home birth-type setting. I am a firm believer in home birth for low-risk pregnant women ... but they account for only 2% of births in the United States. The majority of births in our country take place in birth centers, or, more commonly, in hospital settings. Additionally, some of the language is a little hard to get past. Phrases like, "I was feeling very psychedelic" or "We were grooving out and tripping together" are everywhere. While most moms I know don't seem to mind the dated descriptions, I've had other moms feel like they just couldn't quite connect.

My goal? An updated book of birth stories. While I firmly believe that every woman has an incredible, unique birth story to share ... I am specifically looking to gather stories of women who labored without pain medications (I am including births where pitocin was given if necessary, or where medical interventions such as cesarean/vacuum extraction were necessary after natural labor did not progress). Our culture is currently full of stories on television and in movies that depict only epidurals, c-sections, and over-dramatized birth scenes. And while those are definitely necessary and important options for many women, I would like to give women something to read that can inspire them in their decision to labor without pain meds. Whether it is at home, in a birth center, or at the hospital ... I hope to collect stories of women who chose natural birth as an option.

Would you be willing to share your story? Do you have a friend or family member that would? Stories will be short (1-2 pages) and can include your partner's point of view as well, if you like. I'd love a photo of you and your little one after birth (or during birth, if you want to share) to go along with the birth story.

If this is something you feel you might be willing to share, please email me at and I will send you more detailed information about the project.

Please pass this link along to friends that might be interested!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

It's been a long time since my last post! We went through several months where Josephine simply wouldn't let me sit and type for longer than 5 minutes at a time - so I took a break from blogging. I also have been focusing my energy on becoming a DONA International Trained Doula - which I successfully accomplished in September. My new website ( should be up and running next week. I will continue posting blogs on this site, as well as reposting them on my new site.

I was asked to write an article for a local newspaper to honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October. I am reposting the article here. Because I was limited in word count - and because there is so much information to cover in regard to breast cancer - the article below covers the mere basics. For more detailed information on breast cancer, please visit The National Breast Cancer Foundation or The American Cancer Society.

If you’ve somehow missed the quirky status updates on Facebook, or all the pink ribbons around town, you might have forgotten why October is so special for over 2.4 million American wome: National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And those 2.4 million women? Breast cancer survivors.

While we have made great progress in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer over the past several decades, it is still the #2 cause of cancer death in women in the U.S (lung cancer being #1). Roughly 200,000 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed this year; nearly 40,000 women will die this year from the disease.  (While it is uncommon, men can also get breast cancer and make up about 1% of those diagnosed with the disease.)

While there are still many questions about what may cause breast cancer and how to prevent it, the Willamette Valley Cancer and Research Institute in Oregon suggests that we can at least reduce our risk by making several lifestyle choices:

1. Limit alcohol consumption; it not only reduces your risk of breast cancer, but many other types of cancers, as well.  The Center for Disease Control (CDC) states that drinking in moderation equals “one drink per day” (for women).

2. Maintain a healthy body weight (an increased risk of breast cancer has been linked to excessive body weight in postmenopausal women). Not sure if you have a healthy body weight? Talk with your doctor, or use a Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator online.

3. Engage in regular physical activity. Several studies have shown that regular physical activity may decrease your risk of breast cancer. Don’t like to run? Walk. Don’t like to walk? Bike. Or play basketball. Or hopscotch. It doesn’t matter so much as what you do, as long as you are getting your heart pumping and your blood moving.

4. Breastfeed! Nature truly does have a way of knowing what is best not only for baby, but mom as well. If you are pregnant or plan on becoming pregnant in the future, make breastfeeding your baby a top priority. It not only makes for a healthier baby, but can reduce your risk of breast cancer, as well.

While making good lifestyle choices is a great start in reducing your risk of breast cancer, being aware of other risk factors is very important. Know your family history. Did your mother or sister have breast cancer? Starting menstruation at an early age, menopause at a late age, or having children at a later age (or not having them at all) can all increase your risk, as well. It was discovered in the last decade that taking postmenopausal hormones also increases a woman’s risk of breast cancer. The USDA recommends women that must take these hormones use the lowest dose that eases symptoms for the shortest time needed. Age is a well-determined risk factor for breast cancer: the older a woman is, the more likely she is to develop the disease.

We must remember, however, that while many women will present with all of the above risk factors – she may never get breast cancer. At the same time, a woman who stays fit, eats healthy, and follows all the prevention guidelines may still be diagnosed with the disease. Because of this, breast cancer screening is an important step for all women to take.

The American Cancer Society (ACS) suggests all women begin having a yearly mammogram screening at age 40. The ACS suggests that women in their 20s and 30s should have a clinical breast exam performed every 3 years, while women in their 40s and older should have a clinical breast exam performed annually. Women of all ages should know what their breasts look and feel like, and report any changes to their doctor or nurse practitioner immediately. The ACS also notes that some women (due to family history or certain risk factors) may want to begin mammogram screenings at a younger age, or be screened with an MRI in addition to a mammogram. Talk with your care provider if you feel you may fit into this category.

Remember: Early detection means a higher cure rate! The sooner breast cancer can be diagnosed, the better chance we have to cure it. Call your local public health office for information on free or low-cost screenings.

Let’s make this October the month when we dedicate ourselves to getting the screenings we need. Make a special donation to if you can. Let’s keep up the fight so that our mothers, sisters, daughters, and wives can beat this thing called breast cancer. We’re winning small battles every day … let’s keep fighting to win the war.