Shopping for Baby

Friday, January 21, 2011

Elimination Communication: Little Bear Goes on Strike

I read that sometime in the later months of EC-training (especially during teething), babies will often "go on strike" with the potty. In other words, they won't use it. The words of advice I gathered from the articles and chapters I read on EC suggest that you simply keep putting baby on the toilet and they will eventually resume where they left off. In some cases, they will even show a big improvement!

For about 6 days now Little Bear has been "on strike." She simply refuses to pee in her potty most of the time. Today we have had zero pees. Yesterday I think we had one, perhaps two. At the same time, we have been catching almost all of her poops! She only goes every few days now and waits until I give her the "shhhhhhhh" cue to push it out. Makes cleaning up messy diapers much easier!

Little Bear IS teething right now (she turns 6 months on January 24th). We also recently moved, so we have all been under more stress than usual. So I'm not sure if it is the move or the teething that has caused the current pee-strike. Either way, we continue to put Little Bear on her potty and I'm positive that we'll be back on track in no time!

PS - As I am finishing this post, Dad just hollered from the other room that Little Bear just peed in her potty. So the count for today stands at one.

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