Shopping for Baby

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

BabyLegs: Super Cute & Super Convenient

LB & her BabyLegs: What a Feeling!
It's back to the 1980's for Little Bear! While consignment store shopping last week I found 2 pairs of BabyLegs that looked almost brand new. I decided to spend the $2.00 and try them out! I'm so happy I did. I read about BabyLegs in Mothering Magazine last year and thought that while it was a cute idea, I wasn't sure if I'd actually use them. Cute, yes. Useful? Not so sure. And if I have to choose between the two, I'll go with useful almost every time.

BabyLegs got their start in 2005 when a mother decided to opt for useful (as many, many mothers do). Her little one had a bad diaper rash and she wanted to air her bum out - but also didn't want to freeze her to death. In a moment of inspiration, she snipped off the toes to a pair of socks and used them as leg warmers for her daughter. She soon discovered that diaper changing - and eventually potty training - became much more practical when she didn't have to fight with pants and bottoms all the time. Brilliant. The company BabyLegs has now expanded to include more - but they got their start from a baby with a bad case of diaper rash and a desperate mother. Click here to visit their homepage. It's pretty cool.

So Little Bear tried out her first pair of BabyLegs yesterday and they were a big hit (for me, at least ... she didn't seem to notice the difference). Diaper changes have never been quicker or easier. And she did look awfully cute, I must admit. Because we use cloth diapers (read here about reasons why we chose cloth), I find myself doing more diaper changes than if we were using disposables (this is actually a good thing because it means Little Bear is not sitting in her own pee, like disposables allow). Not having to take pants off - and then put them back on - really does save A LOT of time. Needless to say, I'm sold on the idea.

BabyLegs makes two sizes: newborn, and one-size-fits-most. Obviously, if you have an extremely chunky monkey, you may be out of luck. But the pair I picked up fits Little Bear very well at 7 months and should fit her for quite some time (even another year?). If that's the case - or, if you just have a creative streak in you - you can always make a pair of leg warmers yourself. I found a wonderful tutorial on Prudent Baby's website on do-it-yourself-leg-warmers. I think they'd probably take all of about 5 minutes to complete.

BabyLegs cost about $10-$12/pair on their website. Again, consignment store shopping can save you tons of money if you have a little extra time and patience. There is a knock-off brand called My Little Legs which cost about $7.50/pair on their website.. Supposedly Target has a brand, as well, but I couldn't find them on their online store, if so. Then, of course, offers both BabyLegs and My Little Legs - selling them for less than on each individual store's website.

However you find them, and for whatever cost you find them at, I'm sure you'll enjoy them. They come in an endless assortment of colors, and really are quite practical given certain circumstances. We probably won't wear them every day, but Little Bear will definitely be sporting the 1980's "Flash Dance" style from time to time.

1 comment:

  1. Love em! Especially with dresses when tights are a pain. I bought a bunch really cheap so have odd colors and patterns that don't go with much. I kind of wish I'd just splurged and got some in more neutrals, but oh well, Stella doesn't mind mismatches!
