Shopping for Baby

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Ergo Baby Carrier

Ego? Erg ... Ergo? Yes, Ergo. If you haven't become a parent yet, you may not be familiar with the word yet. If you are a parent, you more than likely 1) have heard the name before, or 2) own one. What exactly does "ergo" mean? It is the Greek word for "work" ... as in "ergonomics." And that's what this baby carrier does ... it works for you, so that carrying your baby can be done effortlessly and easily, by the hours!

The Ergo Baby Carrier was developed in 2001 by Karin Frost, and began being marketed in 2003. The company is owned and operated out of Maui, Hawaii, and all the baby carriers are made according to Fair Labor Practices in China and India. You can read more about Fair Labor Practices used by Ergo Baby Carrier here.

So why do I love the Ergo so much? I started using it with Little Bear when she was only several weeks old. Special infant inserts are made to fit inside the Ergo to make carrying very small babies easy and safe. I did not have one (I didn't even hear about them until Little Bear was too big to need one), but instead gently positioned her against my chest with her feet sticking down through the belt. It worked, but I would definitely invest the $25 for an insert with our next child. The Ergo Baby Carrier company states that inserts are needed for children weighing less than 12 pounds - and I would agree. Chest-to-chest, Little Bear could hear the beating of her mommy's (and daddy's) heart, feel the sway of us as we walked about, and be rocked gently to sleep. Because I walked so much during my pregnancy with Little Bear, I think she found the rocking motion of walking especially soothing. It also freed my hands. This was a miracle for me, since I had not had both hands free for several weeks. Suddenly, I could chop vegetables, fold laundry, sweep the floor, type on the computer ... all while cuddling my baby.

The Ergo make trips to the grocery store 100% easier. Because we do not have a detachable car seat (I knew I wanted to carry Little Bear as much as possible, and felt I would be tempted to use the car seat too much if it came out easily), I use the Ergo whenever we are at a store. With a simple snap of the belt around the waist, a quick positioning of Little Bear, and a snap behind the back - I am free to grocery shop away with two free hands. Everyone loves seeing Little Bear in her Ergo, too. From elderly men to young women to the middle-aged checkout lady, everyone agrees that Little Bear looks like one comfy, happy baby.

Because Little Bear is still small (6 months old and about 16 pounds), we mainly use the Ergo to carry her in the front position. However, the Ergo is designed so that it can quickly be adjusted to a side-carry position, as well as a back carry (piggy-back) position. As babies grow older and bigger, the piggy-back position is obviously more practical and comfortable. I have friends who still use their Ergo with their 3 1/2 year old daughter (the directions state that the Ergo can safely be used to carry up to a 45 pound child).

The Ergo Baby Carrier can be found in regular and organic cotton, and is now offered in a variety of great colors. It can easily be thrown in the wash, as well. I highly recommend the Ergo and often suggest it to people that are looking for a baby gift to buy a friend or relative. We use ours constantly and love the intimacy, closeness, and practicality it offers us as parents.

** Please note that in the photo above, we are not using the Ergo as intended. It is not designed for chest front-facing positioning.

1 comment:

  1. We are on our way to Bend this weekend and I would like to purchase an Ergo for a baby shower gift. What stores in Bend carry the Ergo? Thank you!
