Shopping for Baby

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Best Nightlight Ever!

For Christmas this last year, Aunt Amy gave Little Bear a Cloud b Twilight Constellation Night Light. At the time I wasn't sure if we would even use it - and boy was I wrong. What a great gift! It takes three AAA batteries (included) and shines either green, amber, or purple. The turtle shell is made up of a constellation pattern - so the light that is emitted actually shines a whole bunch of little stars all over the room, like a miniature planetarium. It comes with an informational guide so that kids can actually pick out the various constellations when they are older. The guide also gives a brief history of the constellations, the character they were named after, etc.

Right now, Little Bear LOVES playing with her nightlight. It has a soft body and hard shell ... and she is absolutely enthralled by the colorful light shining off the back of it. Whenever I need to keep her entertained for 10-15 minutes, I simply hand her the turtle, turn on the light, and walk away.

We've only used it as an actual nightlight once or twice, but I'm sure it will be put to good use as she gets older. Apparently Cloud b also makes a Sea Turtle and Lady Bug nightlight, as well as Sheep that plays music and a Polar Bear that shivers/vibrates. So if anyone is looking for a fun, inexpensive, and entertaining nightlight - I recommend the Cloud b Twilight Constellation Night Light.

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